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Mark 8:34

"Whoever desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me."


Camp contract

All Camp week Group directors/leaders should have thoroughly reviewed contract as some changes have been made. Contract must be signed and submitted into Camp Vandemere prior to ARRIVING! 

Notice that 99.9% Chance a child will want to be Baptized, as we teach them to obey God and the Calling to Him. Let's remember Mark 10: 14, Jesus said,"Let the little Children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the Kingdom of God."   Camp week Group Directors and or Leaders will have a scheduled day for Baptisms. This will give you notice in advance of Baptisms.

               RV Contract

It is important to read thoroughly through the Contract. We have Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly contracts that apply. These three have greater responsibilities when it comes to their belongings. We are a Pet Friendly Camp, but be advised when Campers/children are present your pet will need to remain in the RV area. There is a further out and short peninsula for dog walking. Please remember to pick up after your pet.


Thank You 

Executive Director

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